Maximum Authorised Weight of Trucks in Spain

In the transport of land goods, trucks are subject to compliance with various regulatory provisions governing various aspects of the activity. Among these mandatory requirements are those relating to the maximum authorised weight of lorries, which depends on the specific type of vehicle.

It is important to note that the maximum authorized weight, legally called Maximum Authorised Mass (MMA)since 1999, is the result of adding the net load and the tare weight of the truck when empty.

What is the maximum authorised weight of each type of truck?

Depending on their characteristics, each type of truck must comply with a different limit. The maximum weights established by the regulations are as follows:

  • For 2-axle trucks, the maximum weight is 18,000 kilograms.
  • For 3-axle trucks, this limit is raised to 25 tonnes. However, if the truck in question has a driving axle equipped with dual tyres and air suspension, the maximum authorised weight may be increased by an extra tonne, and may therefore reach 26 tonnes.
  • For 4-axle trucks, 31 tonnes is the limit, but you can go up a tonne more if you meet the following requirements: 2 steered axles, twin wheels and air suspension.

The Maximum Allowable Weight (MMA) is the result of adding the net load and the tare of the truck when empty.

In the event of non-compliance with these limits, the legislation provides for a series of penalties whose magnitude will depend on the maximum authorised mass for that lorry, the excess weight on one axle and the total excess weight.

Thus, depending on the degree of non-compliance, the penalties are classified as very serious (fines of 3,301 to 4,600 euros), serious (1,501 to 2,000 euros) and light (301 to 400 euros).

Importance of maximum weight in international transport

It is very important to bear in mind that the limits mentioned are those established for Spain and that in other countries there are different limits. When in transporting a load we must cross and circulate through different territories, it is necessary to know the limitations of each country, since to comply with them and to respect them is fundamental to avoid penalties that in each regulation can be established.

Moreover, overloading a truck can not only lead to penalties, but also considerably affect the vehicle’s road safety, since it can cause the truck to overturn, make it difficult to drive or affect braking operations.

For all the above reasons, it is important to comply with the limits established by the different regulatory provisions of the various countries, limits guaranteed by previous experiences and established by experts in the field.

Conocer y cumplir la normativa que rige el transporte de mercancía es vital para asegurar la calidad del servicio y evitar sanciones o retrasos.

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