Tips for the chemicals transport

Tips for the chemicals transport

With over 3.000 companies, chemical industry is one of the largest and most consolidated industrial sectors in this country. Its weight as the economic engine of Spain results in the generation of 5,5% of GDP and 3,7% of employment in Spain (FEIQUE). From CST Grupo we help you to know the necessary information for chemical products transport.

The chemical sector is the 2nd largest exporter in the Spanish economy, only behind the automobile, which makes chemical products transportation a key point in the economy.

Chemical products classification

Following the commercial classification of chemical products, these can by divided in three broad categories:

  • Basics: these are chemical products produced in large quantities and, in general , their applications can be traced back to their chemical structure.
  • Specials: they are made up of a mixture of different chemical substances, which are designed and produced to be applied to a specific application.
  • Fines: they are chemical substances characterized by their chemical structure, but, unlike basic chemicals, they are produced in small quantities.

Dangerous good transport

In the transport of chemical products we must take into account whether the type of material to be transported, both raw material and final product, is a good classified as dangerous. This type of classification requires more controls and must be subject to legal regulations.

A dangerous chemical product is the one that may represent a risk to the safety and health of workers or to the environment due to their physicochemical, chemical or toxicological properties.

The most commons risks derived from these chemicals are:

  • They generate combustion.
  • Inhalation of a combinatorial reaction of elements.
  • They heat up at hight temperatures.
  • Ingestion or inhalation. They are among the most dangerous for long term health.
  • Harmful substances. They corrosively affect both the environment and human health.

CST Grupo: Specialists in international transport of chemical products

CST Grupo has large experience in the chemical transport, both nationally and internationally. We have the APQ certificate for the storage of chemical products and we offer IMO classification for the transport of dangerous goods by sea and air and ADR for land.

We have more than 30 years of experience behind us, so if you are interested in more information, we invite you to contact with us and we will solve all your doubts.

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* Mandatory fields

WE DO NOT CARRY perishable goods (requiring controlled temperature) or personal effects (cars, furniture, removals, private boat, computer, dog, etc.).