Keys to transporting renewable energy

Keys to transporting renewable energy

Spain is one of the main countries worldwide when it comes to the international production of components and materials necessary for the installation of renewable energies. In the transport of renewable energy, we must bear in mind that we are talking about goods that can be very bulky. In most cases, transportation has to be Door to Door even between continents. This also means that we are talking about a high number of containers or shipments of an urgent nature by air. These projects generally have a maturity period of approximately one and a half years. This is because socio-economic, environmental and governmental factors have to be taken into account.

For this reason, and due to the particularities that this service entails, at CST Group we have specialized in the transport of renewable energy in recent years, taking into account certain keys when carrying out this type of logistics.

Keys in the transport of renewable energy

The main types of machinery related to the transport of renewable energy are those related to:

  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydraulics energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Bioenergy energy

In the transport of this type of merchandise, it is essential that logistics comply with each and every one of the necessary steps to guarantee the efficiency of the service, and avoid problems of time, security, loss or breakage of merchandise. To do this, we thus establish the following keys.

Choice of type of transport

Depending on the characteristics of the machinery to be transported, we must know how to choose the most suitable means of transport.

We will do it by sea if we are talking about a large volume and mass of cargo; by air, when we talk about spare parts or certain urgent maintenance, as it is the fastest means in these cases; or by land, if what we want is to gather all the components in case they arrive from different suppliers and thus make a single shipment, which greatly reduces costs.


Directly related to the previous point, here the programming of departure and arrival dates comes into play; organization with other possible suppliers; review of permits, licenses and paperwork … So that we avoid last minute unforeseen events as much as possible and, thus, we can guarantee maximum efficiency in the service.


We are talking about parts, machinery and in general, very delicate merchandise. It is crucial that the transport complies 100% with all security measures, in order to comply with a zero-incident policy and thus avoid any type of damage to the goods. Let’s not forget that in the transport of renewable energies it is extremely important that we do not overlook anything, since only in this way can we guarantee that no energy company or, failing that, companies that enjoy this type of energy, lose performance in their capacity productive.

CST Group: Specialists in renewable energy transport

From CST, our renewable energy transport service does not refer only to transport as such, but we take into account consulting and advice to our clients to achieve maximum efficiency in the service. It is important to mention our customs agency service, which enables significant cost savings and the use of tax or tariff benefits that the project could access.

We offer a specialized and highly qualified team in the logistics of renewable energy merchandise, which means that we carry out all the necessary measures so that the shipment occurs correctly, ensuring that the merchandise arrives in a timely manner.

Do you need a unique budget adapted to your needs? Get in touch with us and ask us about our renewable energy transportation rates.

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* Mandatory fields

WE DO NOT CARRY perishable goods (requiring controlled temperature) or personal effects (cars, furniture, removals, private boat, computer, dog, etc.).