
Export to the United States

Shortening distances
for your business to grow

Maritime transport companies: Ask us for a quote for your land, sea, air transport needs or for customs services.

The route to export to the United States is one of those frequently carried out by CST Grupo due to the high demand generated by this country being the main economic power in the world.

Therefore, our high degree of knowledge and experience in the sector allows us to offer a fast and safe service in our transportation, while adapted to each particular need of our clients and the point of origin and destination.

Thinking about the United States as a single market would be incorrect due to the large geographical distances between states, which means very notable time differences that affect shipping times. For this reason, at CST Grupo we take the different time zones into account with the aim of concentrating shipments by regions and states, optimizing costs and offering a better service in both export and import.

At CST we can offer you the best quote for your maritime transport Spain – United States, highlighting quotes for the chemical sector, more particularly, in the cosmetic sector.


Scope of action for exports to the United States from Spain


Taking into account that the US is currently Spain’s 2nd trading partner outside the EU and the first investor in Spain, the Spain – US import and export intermodal transport service covers the entire national scope of both countries in order to offer the best service. in trade relations between both countries.

In general, the sectors that contribute positively this year in exports to the United States are;

  • Automotive sector
  • Machinery and mechanical and electrical devices
  • Petroleum products such as oils
  • Pharmaceutical raw material


Regarding imports, although the import regime is free given its economy open to foreign trade and investment, there are some exceptions in this type of products that require a license, permit and certification:

  • Agri-food
  • Pharmacists
  • Sanitary


If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us to request more information.

Export transportation services to the United States


If you want to prioritize costs over time, at CST Grupo we offer our clients a wide variety of maritime transport services, depending on your needs, whether groupage cargo services or full cargo:

  • Full Container Load (FCL): This shipment is more economical when the sea freight exceeds 10 standard pallets or 13 cubic meters
  • Less Than Container Load (LCL): In this option, loads from different shippers share space in the same container. It is the best solution if you are going to send up to 12-13 cubic meters of maritime cargo.


Transportation from Spain to export to the United States


At CST Grupo we will advise you and quickly manage your requests so that if you decide to both import and export to the United States, you can be sure that your merchandise is in the best hands.

  • Recurring departures
  • Import and Export to the United States
  • From any port in Spain
  • Full container and groupage service (FCL, LCL)


How do tariffs affect exporting to the United States?


The US imposes a tariff on some foreign products to allow them to enter the country. This tax varies depending on the item and place of origin.

This tariff makes the good more expensive, so as an exporter you must take it into account when calculating prices. Something that must also be assumed by the distributor in the United States, who buys the product to market it.

Taxes are lower or do not exist for goods that the country does not produce and needs to import. Sometimes governments use them to boost local consumption or to sanction countries that subsidize their industries and seek to sell at lower prices. However, in this country the tariffs are not particularly high and do not represent a major impediment to exporting to the United States.

If you are interested in exporting to the United States, you can consult the database here where you can find specific information about the applicable payment for the products to be imported.




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